Looking for Burger Patty Making Machine
Looking for Burger Patty Making Machine if yes then you have chosen the best place to buy patty forming machine. it is fast, noiseless, safe and reliable, compact easy to clean. These patty forming models are the ideal equipment for butchers, super and hypermarkets, food processors, fast food, canteens, and catering centers.
Fed with mince, they can automatically produce either patty or balls of the desired weight as it can be adjusted thanks to the forming cylinder. Various ingredients such as chicken, and fish can be processed in combination with grated bread, eggs, cheese, soy, and spices. Even biscuit dough can be easily shaped.

The pre-established weight of patties and balls is constant throughout the whole working cycle; a very important issue for food processors, packaging plants,s and catering centers where product quantity per portion must be as accurate as possible; one of the most valuable aspects. Different shapes can be obtained just by changing the forming cylinder: square, oval, customized according to customer needs.